Archive of Scottish Sinfonia's concerts
This archive contains one web page for each of our concert seasons, which generally run from August one year until May or June the following year. Links to these pages are in the navigation menu ≡ at the top-right. Thus, clicking on 2000-01 will take you to the page for August 2000 to May 2001.
To return to this index page, click on the Archive Home link in the navigation menu. To return to the main website, click on the Home Page link in the navigation menu, or click on the Sinfonia logo.
This archive is a work in progress, and additional information will be added whenever it becomes available.
Some notes
From 2006-2007, the web site had a new look (thanks Martin), and at the start of each season we post a page announcing the whole year's concert programme. Each of these pages has been archived, and that is what you see here. It is possible that they might be missing the odd last-minute change to programmes or soloists.
Before then, we used a tabular presentation, with a separate page for each concert. I have put these together here to create a page for each season from 1999-2000 to 2005-2006.
Any hyperlinks which were in the original web pages are still here, but may now be out of date.
Before 1999, we didn't have this web site. However, we have records of concert posters going back some way before then, and so pages for earlier years have been compiled from the posters.
There is a also a summary list of everything that the orchestra played in its first 25 years.
More information has been added about the first twenty-five years.
In particular, some season brochures, concert posters, and concert programmes are now included in this archive as scanned PDF files. These can be downloaded by clicking on the relevant link.